Welcome to the Biotasphere
Have you ever wondered how your garden responds to microbes in the soil, moisture, fertilizers, and fugi ? Would you like to be able to monitor these soil conditions to produce the greatest health in your plants? Would you like to be able to respond to threats from disease and insects in a more timely fashion? BiotaNet is developing products to help you do just that! Our goal is to develop sensors…
Gardeners and Master Naturalists
We have the possibility of developing sensors for pollinators like bees, mason bees, and other insects. Our long-range (LoRa) sensors will be able to detect the frequency vibrations of various wing types. With this development, you could gauge the health of your pollinator population. We are hoping this service will allow master naturalists and master gardeners to gain annual credit hours through their efforts at monitoring and reporting data, similar to the rain gauge reporting…